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Урок для 11 класса "Спорт важен или нет?"
Theme: Is sport exciting or dangerous? (спорт важен или нет?)
Aims: 1. повторить виды спорта
2. развитие произвольного внимания, памяти лексических навыков
3. воспитание стремления вести активный образ жизни
4. повторить пройденный материал (степени сравнения
прилагательных, условные предложения)

Procedure of the lesson.

I. Org.moment.

Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
Who is absent today?
What is the weather like today?

II. Ph. drill.

Sport is fun for girls and boys
It’s much better than the toys.
You can swim and play football.
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.

- Перевести подчёркнутые слова.
- К какой теме относятся слова?
- Объявление темы урока (слайд 1)

III. Introduction of words (слайды 2-11)
1. boxing – [boksiŋ] - бокс
2. football – [fu:tbol] - футбол
3. skating – [skeitiŋ] – катание на коньках
4. basketball – [bæsketbol] - баскетбол
5. aerobics – [ɛәrobiks] - аэробика
6. hockey – [hoki] - хоккей
7. diving – [daiviŋ] - дайвинг
8. cycling – [saikliŋ] - велоспорт
9. tennis – [tenis] - теннис
10. gymnastics - [dʒimnæstics] – гимнастика

IV. Complete diagram.
a) Sport Every day activities

(football, tennis, etc.) (aerobics, gymnastics)

b) Play “I can/ I can’t”
(на карточках написаны действия, вы выбираете действие и, если вы умеете это делать, то говорим по-английски, что умеете, если нет, то не умеете. Например, играть в теннис: I can play tennis / I can’t play tennis.)
Карточки: - играть в футбол
- играть в баскетбол
- кататься на коньках
- кататься на велосипеде
- играть в хоккей
- играть в волейбол

c) Song “Chunga-changa”

d) Make sentences, using degrees of adjectives.
1. Boxing is (dangerous) than tennis.
2. Hockey is (popular) sport in Russia.
3. I like to play basketball. Basketball is (popular) sport in our town.
4. Gymnastics is (healthy) kind of sport.
5. Aerobics is (good) for everybody.
e) Listen to the text and translate it.
People in England love football. English football is 700 years old. Chinese football is 2,500 years old. .
There are 11 people in a football team. The teams try to score a goal. Players wear T-shirts, shorts and boots. Fans have flags, rattles and whistles.. There are many football clubs. Manchester United is a famous English club. Their colours are red and black . Their nickname is “red devils”. The top scorer of Manchester United was David Beckham.

f) Read the opinions and say agree or not agree with them.
- I go in for tennis regularly. I go in for running and aerobics. I do aerobics exercises when it is possible: while cleaning the flat, watching TV, even at breaks at school. It helps me to be healthy and keep fit.

- I don’t go in for sports but I do morning exercises every day so I am full of energy.

- I go jogging three times a week. It’s a great pleasure to jog early in the morning when the air is fresh. I am in high spirit, my soul is singing.
- Sport is necessary for life. People who don’t go in for sports often fall ill.
They have weak health.

- People who go in for sports are strong and healthy and look young.

- I think everybody should do sports every day. It’s very good that we have physical training at school. PT and English are my favorite lessons. I don’t think that I’ll become a famous sportsman but I go in for sports for myself. Sport helps me feel well and keep fit.

- I don’t do anything special to keep fit but I get a lot of exercises doing things I enjoy. After school I play ping-pong or badminton. It helps me feel cheerful. Sport helps me even in studying.

Учитель задает вопрос: Опасен спорт или нет (Is sport exciting or dangerous?)
Выслушиваются мнения детей.

g) Crossword “Drills for skills” (слайд 12,13,14)
1.Type of sport with using the gloves.
2. Popular kind of sport in our country (using a ball).
3. A Kind of sport, when sportsmen move on skates.
4. Type of sport, where you must throw the ball in a basket.
5. Rhythmical gymnastics.
6. Sport in which, two teams try to hit hockey goal in the gate.
7. Kind of sport, where playing with rackets.
8. The sport of jumping into water.
9. The use of bicycles for sport.
10. The sport involving performance of exercises requiring flexibility, agility,
coordination, and balance.

V. Подведение итогов (слайд 15)
1) Повторение названий видов спорта, опасен спорт или нет
2) Выставление оценок.
3) Я предлагаю вам оценить сегодняшний урок и поставить себе оценку за свою работу на уроке.


Я знаю названия разных видов спорта на английском языке
Я могу читать и понимать тексты о спорте
Я понимаю мнения о спорте
Я могу выразить своё мнение о спорте
Я могу рассказать о своём любимом виде спорта
Твоё мнение об этом уроке
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: Aigul (04.11.2014) E
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