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Тема: "Daily Life" 4 класс
Тема: "Daily Life"
4 класс

Учебная цель:
• Активизация лексики по теме “Daily Life”.
• Совершенствование грамматических навыков: употребление в речи Present Indefinite Tense.
• Развитие навыков устной речи: монологических, диалогических навыков.
• Формирование орфографических навыков.
• Развитие навыков аудирования.

Развивающая цель:
• Развитие умения логически мыслить.
• Развитие аналитических способностей.
• Развитие абстрактного мышления.

Воспитательная цель
• Воспитание умения организовать свой день.
• Привитие интереса к окружающему миру.
• Воспитание коллективизма.

• Компьютер;
• Доска;
• Аудиозаписи;
• Набор карточек для повторения Present Simple;
• Набор карточек для аудирования;

I.Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. I hope you are fine and ready to work, aren’t you? Look at each other and smile; we are glad to see our guests. In the morning we are very active and have to do a lot of things, let’s start.
2. Today you have to guess the theme of our lesson yourself that’s why we’ll begin our lesson with the crossword. Let’s do it. Look at the blackboard.

So, what’s the theme of our lesson? What themes we’ve already reviewed?
3. Сообщение целей урока
T: Today we’ll continue to work on the topic “Daily Life”. You’ll present your projects on this topic. We are going to practice Present tense, by the end of the lesson you’ll have to be able to talk on the topic “Daily Life” and use Present tense.
II. Фонетическая разминка
T: Now we warm up our tongues. You can see some words on the blackboard.

Find and read only the verbs.

4. Речевая зарядка

Listen to the riddle and guess what it is.
It has one face and two hands
It goes and yet it stands.
What is it? (учитель задает учащимся этот вопрос)
It’s a clock. (учащиеся отвечают)
(после ответа учащихся учитель читает стихотворение, которое написано на доске)
The clock says,”Tock!”
It’s seven o’clock.
The clock says,”Tick!”
Get up little Nick!
The clock says,”Tock!”
It’s eight o’clock!
Hurry up, Nick
Or you’ll be late!”

Let’s read this poem once more. (учитель читает, учащиеся повторяют, потом учитель просит прочитать кого-то из учащихся).

And what’s this? (It’s a clock)
(учитель показывает модель часов)
Look at this clock and say what time it is.
(учитель берет модель часов и показывает время на циферблате)
What’s the time? It’s 7 o’clock.

5. Работа с лексикой, выражениями

Look at the blackboard. You see the parts of some expressions. Write the end of these expressions.

Brush…(teeth, hair)
Do…(homework, exercises)
Get…(up, get dressed)
Make…(a bed)
Go to…(bed, school)
Take…(a shower)
Wash…( face and hands, the dishes)
Have…(supper, lunch, breakfast, dinner)
Tidy…(the room)

T: Answer my questions.
When do you usually get up?
Do you clean your teeth?
What have you got for breakfast?
When do you go to school?
What do you do after school?
Do you help your mother to clean the room?
Аnd now pretend that you are a bear, try to guess what you do in the morning.
Tell us about your working day. (учащиеся рассказывают о своём рабочем дне) Theexample: ex. 6a, p.54

VI. Физкультминутка
T: Your eyes are tired. It’s time to do some exercises for your eyes.
Eyes up
Eyes down
Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right (2-3 times)
Shut your eyes
Open your eyes widely (2-3 times)

VII. Развитие грамматических навыков. Повторение Present Indefinite Tense.
a) Look at the blackboard
What auxiliary verbs we use in Present Simple?
b) Read and correct
1. Tom don’t go to school.
2. They plays basketball.
3. When does you get up?
4. Lin and Cindy doesn’t work.
5. We likes ice cream.
6. He get up at 7 o’clock.
7. I take a shower on the morning.
8. He cleans his tooth every day.

Helen Sanders is my favourite singer. She gets up at 8 o’clock every morning. She has breakfast at 9 o’clock. In the afternoon she plays the piano and she sings. In the evening she visits friends or she goes to the theatre. She goes to bed at 12 o’clock. I like Helen Sanders.

Put a tick or a cross

1. Helen gets up at 7 o’clock every morning.
2. Helen has breakfast at 9 o’clock.
3. Helen visits friends in the evening.
4. Helen goes to bed at 11 o’clock.

X. Развитие навыков аудирования
T: Today we’ll listen to a song. You have special cards with the words of this song but some of them are missing, listen to the song carefully and write down the missing words.
This is the way I get …,
I get …, I get ...
This is the way I get …
Every … in the morning.
Now read the words of the song, let’s sing this song.
XII. Итоги урока
1.Объяснение домашнего задания
T: Our lesson is coming to the end. Most of you have worked hard today. I’m proud of you. Your marks are …Write 6 sentences about your breakfast, lunch and dinner. (ex. 4a, p. 51 – example)
2. Рефлексия на урок
T: - Did you like our today’s lesson? What was the most interesting part of the lesson? What was the most difficult for you?
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: erzhanova83 (02.12.2016) | Автор: Ержанова Гульнур Сарсенбаевна E
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