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Наименование дисциплины__Английский язык_________________
Тема урока _Flora and fauna in Kazakhstan/Numerals _____________
(наименование темы учебного занятия)
Цели занятия
Обучающая цель Ознакомить студентов с грамматическим материалам, расширять навыки в раннее изученных материалами. Расширять словарный запас студентов.
Воспитательная цель Воспитывать чувство патриотизма ответственности, нравственности.
Развивающая цель Развивать способности и навыки студентов в ПУПР (практики устном письмен.речи)
Тип урока Объяснение нового материала
Уровень усвоения учебного материала.
Студенты должны:
Знать биографию президента Республики Казахстан.
Уметь рассуждать на тему Мой президент, осмысленно читать текст и выделять главное.
Компонентен в изучении нового материала.
Иметь представления о жизни и деятельности президента РК.
Междисциплинарные связи казахский язык, русский язык
Перечень литературы, методические указания Л.Ф. Толмачева «For transport engineers». Е.Р.Агабекян «Проспект»2010, Р. Морфи «Логман», Е.Вирджиня «Раунд ап».
Наглядные пособия, дидактические материалы и технические средства таблица, список нестандартных глаголов, учебник, карточки.
Ход урока
I Организационный связи(3-5мин)
-Good morning! How are you ?
- What date is it today?
- What day is it today?
- What weather like today?
- What news do you have?
- What was your home work for today?
II Опрос – повторение (3-4мин)
Tel me please about group of Perfect Active tenses and group of Continuous tenses
III Проверка домашнего задания (15-20мин)
Last lesson I`ve given you exercise 26. Now let’s check.

IV Объяснения нового материала (развернутый план, время 15-20мин)
_Today our new theme is Kazakhstan flora and fauna: nature, animals, birds
Kazakhstan flora and fauna
Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan (from them 515 - only here), on its open spaces it is possible to meet about 500 kinds of birds, 178 kinds of animals, 49 kinds of reptiles, 12 kinds of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes - 107 kinds of fishes.
A variety of invertebrate animals here is even more: not only there are more then thousand kinds of insects. Mollusks, worms, spiders, crustaceous and others living in Kazakhstan are not less than 30 thousand kinds.
Kazakhstan flora and fauna facts
Northern Kazakhstan is fertile chernozem forest-steppe; to the south - steppe, behind them semi-deserts and sandy deserts with saxaul thickets. On slopes of mountains are located the coniferous woods.
The plateau Usturt of Kazakhstan, located between Caspian and Aral seas, is a slightly hilly deserted plain, faintly covered by a wormwood; only in widely widespread hollows are black saxauls. Unique beauty of a landscape give steep benches - chinks. Western chink is especially picturesque, which height achieves 340 meters; the breakages, destroyed by a wind, accept him whimsical form.
Only in Kazakhstan live such rare animals as Transcaspian urial, long-needle hedgehog and some wild cats: caracal and desert cat. Here is a lot of slim goitred gazelles, deserted birds - black-tailed sand grouse, Pallas sand grouse, wheatear and larks.
The slopes of Northern Tien Shan are covered with fur-tree woods, and Western Tien Shan - with the low bushes and meadows; the gorges have apple- and nut-trees with woods, the tops are covered with eternal snows and glaciers.
Only here it is possible to meet fury ounce, Tien Shan brown bear, Siberian ibex, and from birds - famous lammergeyer, the scope of which wings reaches more than three meters, Snow cock (it calls also mountain turkey), snow vulture, griffon vulture, favorite of the Kazakh hunters - golden eagle, high-mountainous finches, chough and Alpine chough.
In the Altai mountains of Kazakhstan, covered with taiga woods you will meet a giant moose, beautiful maral, our smallest deer - musk deer, famous sable, chipmunk.
V Закрепление материала (15-20мин)
Exercise 15p 18. Write sentences of your own, using the following words and word combinations:
To cover, official language, nationality, capital, climate, vegetables, development, deposits, mineral resources, industry, arable lands, oil fields, center.
VI Самостоятельная работа студентов на занятии (5-10мин)
To translate the text.
VII Обобщение (5мин)
What did you know new about Numerals?
VIII Содержания задания на дом (3мин)
Retell the text
IX Итог урока (3мин) Giving marks!
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: Aigerim (09.11.2018) | Автор: Sotsialova Aigerim Nurlanovna E
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