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Поурочный план Robotics
ФИО педагога Дата: Группа: Количество присутствующих: Количество отсутствующих: Тема урока Robotics Цели обучения в соответствии с учебной программой Practice using a wide variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms Цели урока 10.4.3 Skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting closer reading on a range of general and curricular topics Критерий оценивания All learners will be able to: • Match the words from the text to their synonyms with support Most learners will be able to: • Match the words from the text to their synonyms with limited support Some learners will be able to: • Match the words from the text to their synonyms and identify extra synonyms • Ход урока Этап урока/ Время Запланированные действия Ресурсы Начало урока 25 points 25 points The theme of our lesson is “Progress and development: robots of the future”. First we will read the text at page 118 and you’ll answer the questions. Second we will divide into 3 groups and you will make a mini-project “A new robot design” We work at groups. The next task is to make a mini-project “A new robot design”. Open your students-book at page 123 ex. 106,107. Design a new model of your own robot. Give a presentation of your robot to the class. Follow the steps ex. 107. You have 10 minutes. https: //www.youtube.com/ Середина урока 10 points 10 points 20 points Robot-A robot is a machine that performs difficult tasks and is guided by automatic controls. First, a robot has sensors that allow it to perceive the world. Second, a robot has actuators that allow it to move around Third, a robot needs a program that lets it act on its own based on what it is sensing (feeling). Parts of robots: Power source- gives power to the robot ( batteries , chargers) Sensor is a device that feels light, temperature, movements and many different things and gives feedback. Sensors allow robots to interact with the world. Controller-the main device that works with information and gives instructions to a robot. Also known as the processor. Algorithm-a mathematical process that solves different problems. End Effector-The end part of a robotic arm that is shaped like a hand or like a special tool. Also know as arm tool.(helps a robot to grab or feel things) Exercise 2. Connect different types of robots to their activities. • Medical robots • Chef robots • Construction robots • War robots • Transport robots 1. Build houses 2. Help people to travel 3. Help soldiers 4. Cook food 5. Help doctors Read the text and translate it. A robot is a machine that does tasks without the help of a person. Many people think of robots as machines that look and act like people. Most robots, though, do not look like people. Most robots are computer-controlled devices with many parts. An industrial robot, for example, is an armlike machine that can turn at several joints. It has an end effector- a handlike part to grab and hold things. Motors move the parts. Some robots can be “taught” to do a job. For example, a person can teach a robot the movements needed to do something. Sensors on the robot send signals about the movements to the computer. The computer stores the pattern of movements. Later the computer can find the algorithm and tell the robot what to do. Конец урока 10 points Answer my questions: 1. Is it difficult to invent a robot? 2. Would you like to be engineer in the future? 3. Can robots be dangerous? Оценивание Дом.задание Your homework for the next lesson is ex.102 at page 121-122. The lesson is over. Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Learners ‘Assessment – how are you planning to check learn learning? Cross-curricular links Differentiation by task Less confident learners get only 5 synonyms to match whereas more confident ones get 2 extra words. Differentiation by outcome Less confident learners may write 3-4 effects. Students will be assessed through • observation • self/peer checking Science, sociology Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson? | |
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